Máquina perforadora de chapa metálica

KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY puede proporcionar soluciones de fabricación de máquinas perforadas de láminas de metal personalizadas según las necesidades del cliente, y KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY puede proporcionar diferentes tipos de máquinas para satisfacer las diferentes aplicaciones de los clientes para láminas perforadas.

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La máquina para fabricar láminas perforadas de KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY está equipada con un nivelador de precisión de alto rendimiento, que consta de 4 ruedas superiores y 5 ruedas inferiores para formar un dispositivo de aplanamiento profesional de 9 rodillos. El propósito principal de este diseño es nivelar eficazmente la bobina de metal para garantizar que su superficie sea lisa y libre de ondulaciones. A través del proceso de aplanamiento de múltiples vueltas, el material metálico puede moldearse por completo antes de ingresar a la etapa de punzonado, lo que es crucial para mejorar la precisión del punzonado.

Desenrollador con carro de alimentación

Para mejorar aún más la automatización de la línea de perforación de chapa metálica, KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY equipó la desbobinadora con un carro de alimentación. Este diseño innovador hace que el proceso de manipulación de bobinas de metal sea más eficiente y conveniente. Los clientes solo necesitan colocar la bobina de metal en el carro de alimentación y el sistema transportará automáticamente la bobina a la desbobinadora para completar las operaciones posteriores de desbobinado y punzonado.

La introducción de este sistema de alimentación automática ahorra significativamente los costos de mano de obra y reduce la carga de trabajo de los operadores. Al mismo tiempo, también puede maximizar la utilización del tiempo y garantizar la continuidad y fluidez del proceso de producción. Al reducir la intervención manual, la línea de perforación de chapa metálica de KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY reduce la posibilidad de errores humanos durante la operación, lo que hace que el proceso de producción general sea más estable y confiable.Inspección de calidadLos productos fabricados por la máquina para fabricar chapas perforadas de KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY satisfacen totalmente las necesidades de producción de los clientes, con alta precisión, sin rebabas en la superficie y un tamaño de orificio constante. Por lo tanto, los productos de buena calidad se pueden utilizar mejor en el procesamiento y la fabricación secundarios. Esta es también la mayor cantidad de comentarios de los clientes sobre la línea de perforación de chapa de KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY.


sheet metal perforation line

¿Qué puede proporcionar KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY?


(1) Soluciones personalizadas


KINGREAL Ceiling Machinery se centra en proporcionar a los clientes soluciones de fabricación de líneas de perforación de chapa metálica altamente personalizadas diseñadas para satisfacer las necesidades específicas de diferentes industrias y clientes. A medida que el mercado continúa desarrollándose, los clientes tienen mayores requisitos para el rendimiento y la flexibilidad de la máquina para fabricar chapa perforada. Para ayudar a los clientes a destacarse en un entorno altamente competitivo, KINGREAL Ceiling Machinery se compromete a proporcionar soluciones a medida para garantizar que cada línea de perforación de chapa metálica pueda adaptarse perfectamente a las necesidades de producción reales de los clientes.

Durante todo el proceso de personalización, el equipo de ingeniería profesional de KINGREAL Ceiling Machinery se comunicará en profundidad con los clientes para comprender en detalle sus procesos de producción, las especificaciones de los productos y las necesidades del mercado. Con base en los planos y los requisitos específicos proporcionados por los clientes, el equipo realizará un análisis y debate exhaustivos para desarrollar el plan de producción más adecuado.

(2) Máquina perforadora de chapa metálica de alta calidad.


perforated sheet making machine

Durante el proceso de fabricación de la máquina perforadora de chapa, KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY siempre se adhiere a altos estándares de control de calidad. A partir de la selección de materias primas, KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY ha implementado un estricto proceso de inspección y solo utiliza materiales de alta calidad para garantizar la durabilidad y confiabilidad de la línea de perforación de chapa metálica. Durante el proceso de fabricación, KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY cuenta con un equipo técnico profesional para supervisar todo el proceso y garantizar que cada máquina perforadora de chapa metálica enviada a la fábrica del cliente cumpla con los estándares de la industria y las expectativas del cliente.

Este estricto control de calidad ha hecho que las líneas de perforación de chapa metálica de KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY sean ampliamente elogiadas en el mercado. Los clientes han dicho que el equipo de KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY tiene un alto retorno de la inversión, bajos costos de mantenimiento y una durabilidad extremadamente fuerte de la máquina. Esta máquina para fabricar chapa perforada de alta calidad permite a los clientes mantener una capacidad de producción eficiente durante el uso a largo plazo, logrando así el mejor equilibrio entre costo y beneficio.

(3)Servicio posventa


El equipo de posventa de KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY está compuesto por un grupo de profesionales estrictamente capacitados que no solo tienen sólidos conocimientos técnicos sino que también tienen una amplia experiencia en el campo. Ya sea que se trate de la puesta en servicio del equipo, la resolución de problemas o el mantenimiento diario, pueden manejarlo con una actitud eficiente y profesional. Cuando la máquina para fabricar láminas perforadas encuentra una falla, el equipo de posventa puede encontrar el problema lo más rápido posible y realizar un análisis detallado para garantizar que el funcionamiento normal del equipo se restablezca en el menor tiempo posible. A través de una respuesta rápida, KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY ayuda a los clientes a minimizar el tiempo de inactividad y garantizar la continuidad y estabilidad de la línea de perforación de láminas de metal.


2.Ancho de la bobina


3.Material de la bobina

4.Diseño de perforación

KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY's cutting station uses blades made of high-hardness materials to ensure the flatness of the cut surface of the sheet after shearing. This design not only improves the quality of shearing, but also extends the service life of the blade. In addition, the cutting station is controlled by highly intelligent equipment to ensure that the actual length of the shearing is consistent with the preset length, avoiding the problem of unevenness caused by operating errors.

perforated sheet making machine
sheet metal perforation line

★ Application areas

The perforated plates processed by the metal sheet perforated machine with cutting are usually used in the manufacture of a variety of products, such as chairs, wall panels, balcony guardrails, screens, stairs, baskets, washing baskets, grills, reactors, etc. These finished products play an important role in architectural decoration, furniture manufacturing and industrial equipment.

perforated sheet making machine

● Perforated sheet making machine with rewinding

The sheet metal perforation line with rewinding is to wind the metal plate through the recoiler after punching. This process not only facilitates subsequent transportation and storage, but also optimizes the subsequent manufacturing process.

sheet metal perforation line

★ Workflow: Hydraulic Decoiler -- Precision Straightener -- Punching Machine -- Servo Feeding Machine -- Hydraulic Recoiler


★ Featured components of metal sheet perforated machine with rewinding

(1)Metal sheet washing machine:

KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY has innovatively added a metal sheet washing machine to the sheet metal perforation line with rewinding. After the previous punching process, the metal plate may leave stains on the surface. The metal sheet washing machine can effectively clean these stains and provide a clean surface for subsequent processing. This design saves time for subsequent processing and improves production efficiency.

perforated sheet making machine
sheet metal perforation line


The recoiler is one of the core equipment in the metal sheet perforated machine with rewinding. It is designed to improve the processing efficiency and storage convenience of punched metal sheets. By neatly rolling up the punched metal sheets, the recoiler not only optimizes the space utilization, but also provides great convenience for subsequent transportation and processing.

perforated sheet making machine
sheet metal perforation line

★ Application areas

The punched plates processed by the perforated sheet making machine with rewinding are usually used to manufacture filter elements, bread trays, ventilation and heat dissipation panels, filters, screens, separators, wind power equipment protective covers, solar panel brackets, etc. These products have a wide range of applications in industries such as environmental protection, energy and food processing.

perforated sheet making machine

● Metal ceiling perforation line

The metal ceiling perforation line is a device designed to meet specific architectural decoration needs. It can be used in conjunction with KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY's metal ceiling machine to produce different sizes and types of perforated ceilings, such as the common sizes of 30x30cm, 60x60cm and 60x120cm, as well as different types such as clip in, lay in, tegular, etc.

sheet metal perforation line

★ Workflow: Hydraulic Decoiler -- Precision Straightener -- Punching Machine -- Servo Feeding Machine -- Notching And Shearing Press


★ Featured Components of Metal ceiling perforation line

Notching and Press :

After punching, the metal sheet will be fed into the Notching and Press Machine. This equipment can cut the four corners of the sheet and make a preliminary cut to form the prototype of the ceiling. This process not only improves production efficiency, but also ensures that the edges of the ceiling are flat, which is convenient for subsequent installation and use.

perforated sheet making machine
sheet metal perforation line


★ Application areas

The perforated ceiling has a beautiful appearance and good decorative effect. In addition, due to the presence of many small holes, sound can pass through, weakening the intensity of the sound and appropriately reducing the noise.

perforated sheet making machine

Features Of Metal Sheet Perforated Machine

Precision leveler

KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY's perforated sheet making machine is equipped with a high-performance precision leveler, which consists of 4 upper wheels and 5 lower wheels to form a professional 9-roller flattening device. The core purpose of this design is to effectively level the metal coil to ensure that its surface is smooth and free of ripples. Through the multi-round flattening process, the metal material can be fully shaped before entering the punching stage, which is crucial to improving the punching accuracy.

The efficient operation of the leveler not only removes the bending and deformation of the coil during storage and transportation, but also significantly reduces the errors generated in the subsequent punching process. This high-precision leveling process makes the punched product more consistent in size and shape, reduces the scrap rate caused by uneven materials, and thus improves the customer's production efficiency and the market competitiveness of the final product.

sheet metal perforation line

Decoiler with feeding trolley

In order to further improve the automation of the sheet metal perforation line, KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY equipped the decoiler with a feeding trolley. This innovative design makes the handling process of metal coils more efficient and convenient. Customers only need to place the metal coil on the feeding trolley, and the system will automatically transport the coil to the decoiler to complete the subsequent unwinding and punching operations.

The introduction of this automatic feeding system significantly saves labor costs and reduces the workload of operators. At the same time, it can also maximize time utilization and ensure the continuity and smoothness of the production process. By reducing manual intervention, KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY's sheet metal perforation line reduces the possibility of human errors during operation, making the overall production process more stable and reliable.

perforated sheet making machine

Quality Inspection

sheet metal perforation line
perforated sheet making machine
sheet metal perforation line

The products produced by KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY's perforated sheet making machine absolutely meet the production needs of customers, with high precision, no burrs on the surface, and consistent hole size. Therefore, good quality products can be better put into secondary processing and manufacturing. This is also the most feedback from customers for KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY's sheet metal perforation line.



(1) Customized solutions


KINGREAL Ceiling Machinery focuses on providing customers with highly customized sheet metal perforation line manufacturing solutions designed to meet the specific needs of different industries and customers. As the market continues to develop, customers have higher requirements for the performance and flexibility of perforated sheet making machine. In order to help customers stand out in a highly competitive environment, KINGREAL Ceiling Machinery is committed to providing tailor-made solutions to ensure that each sheet metal perforation line can perfectly match the actual production needs of customers.


Throughout the customization process, KINGREAL Ceiling Machinery's professional engineering team will communicate in depth with customers to understand their production processes, product specifications and market needs in detail. Based on the drawings and specific requirements provided by customers, the team will conduct comprehensive analysis and discussion to develop the most appropriate production plan.


perforated sheet making machine
sheet metal perforation line
perforated sheet making machine

(2) High-quality metal sheet perforated machine


During the manufacturing process of the perforated sheet making machine, KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY always adheres to high standards of quality control. Starting from the selection of raw materials, KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY has implemented a strict inspection process and only uses high-quality materials to ensure the durability and reliability of the sheet metal perforation line. During the manufacturing process, KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY has a professional technical team to supervise the whole process to ensure that every metal sheet perforated machine sent to the customer's factory meets industry standards and customer expectations.


This strict control of quality has made KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY's sheet metal perforation lines widely praised in the market. Customers have said that KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY's equipment has a high return on investment, low maintenance costs, and extremely strong durability of the machine. This high-quality perforated sheet making machine enables customers to maintain efficient production capacity during long-term use, thereby achieving the best balance between cost and benefit.


sheet metal perforation line
perforated sheet making machine
sheet metal perforation line

(3)After-sales service


KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY after-sales team is composed of a group of strictly trained professionals who not only have solid technical knowledge but also have rich field experience. Whether it is equipment commissioning, troubleshooting, or daily maintenance, they can handle it with an efficient and professional attitude. When the perforated sheet making machine encounters a fault, the after-sales team can find the problem as quickly as possible and conduct a detailed analysis to ensure that the normal operation of the equipment is restored in the shortest time. Through quick response, KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY helps customers minimize downtime and ensure the continuity and stability of the sheet metal perforation line.

perforated sheet making machine
sheet metal perforation line
perforated sheet making machine


How To Get Sheet Metal Perforation Line Solutions?

Please send your production requirements to KINGREAL CEILING MACHINERY, and we will have professional staff to contact you to start customization!


1. Coil thickness

2. Coil width

3.Coil material

4.Punching design

El funcionamiento eficiente de la aplanadora no solo elimina la flexión y la deformación de la bobina durante el almacenamiento y el transporte, sino que también reduce significativamente los errores generados en el proceso de punzonado posterior. Este proceso de aplanado de alta precisión hace que el producto punzonado sea más uniforme en tamaño y forma, reduce la tasa de desechos causada por materiales irregulares y, por lo tanto, mejora la eficiencia de producción del cliente y la competitividad en el mercado del producto final.

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